NOW HEAR THISAn important message from District 6650 Governor Rich Tirpak: During my club visits, I addressed the hope that our clubs would sponsor a project about and for children. An opportunity to do just that has presented itself. District 6650 has partnered with the Boardman Rotary Club, the nonprofit Hearing Missions Foundation, and Rotarian Dr. Sheryl Figliano to give the gift of hearing. Dr. Figliano will lead a team of professionals and volunteers to Guatemala City, Guatemala from April 7 to 13 to test, fit, and supply hearing aids and batteries to 150 children with severe to profound hearing loss, at a cost of $300 per child. My hope is that each Club in District 6650 will adopt one or more children and supply them with the gift of hearing! Please consider participating as a club and/or as a group of Rotarians. All donations will be used for the hearing benefit of the patients. No money will be used for travel, accommodations, or meals of the professionals or volunteers. Make checks payable to The Hearing Missions Foundation and mail them to 126 York Ave., Youngstown, OH 44512. Anyone interested in accompanying the team as a volunteer may contact Dr. Sheryl Figliano ( or me (RSTIRPAK@NEO.RR.COM) for details. |